Stephen Brand

Bagdad, AZ (USA)
C-Level Executive (CEO, CFO, etc.)

Wild Horse Cattle Company, LLC

Location: PHOENIX
Industry: Transportation
Year Founded: 2016
Number Employees: 1-10 people
Business Stage: Mature
Entity Type: Limited Liability Company
Description: I am a private lender looking to help people and businesses get the funding they need, when others have turned you down. I will look at all industries.
C-Level Executive (CEO, CFO, etc.)

Wild Horse Cattle Company, LLC

Find More Service Providers Service Provider
Location: BAGDAD
Description: I am a PRIVATE LENDER specializing in people who have been turned down by banks, friende and family, and other financial institutions. I lend to startups and mature businesses, in all industries.
Services Provided:
  • Capital Broker