Steve Hodges

Sanger, TX (USA)

SRR Technologies

Location: Sanger
Industry: Telecommunications
Year Founded: 2012
Number Employees: 1-10 people
Business Stage: Growth (not profitable)
Entity Type: "C" Corporation
Description: SRR Technologies is the first of it's kind patent pending "SIP Zero Packet" and caller "Call Action Security" protocols; allow the customer to buy an "All-in-One" solution with a focus on both the end-user and back-end platform, that provides all functionality in a single server. Each SIP server is design to incorporate element of systems that would normally be found as independent subsystems and/or combined with other manufacturer products. Each server is setup to deliver maximum optimization and caller security unique to the market. SRR Technologies has servers online that offer a free 8 line phone and Skype type replacement using our advanced technology. Unlike Skype our phones can connect directly to the legacy networks that will drive the demand for carriers and service providers to purchase our equipment.